How to Get on Good Morning America, BuzzFeed 

and other top-tier outlets with the

Right PR Strategy


How to Get on Good Morning America, BuzzFeed 

and other top-tier outlets with the

Right PR Strateg


Step into the Spotlight: Master PR Tactics for Unprecedented Brand Growth!

Are You Ready to Amplify Your Brand's Presence?
Build brand awareness + gain credibility + visibility = profitability

Welcome to 'How To Get on Good Morning America, BuzzFeed ' the ultimate masterclass for anyone aiming to boost their brand's visibility in 2024. Perfect for entrepreneurs, marketers, and PR enthusiasts at any level.

Starting From Scratch? We’ve Got You Covered! 
No prior experience in PR? No problem!
This masterclass is tailored for beginners and those looking to deepen their understanding of modern PR strategies.

Expert Insights from a PR Pro with 20+ years of experience
Benefit from the wealth of knowledge shared by a PR expert who will teach you how to avoid Rookie Mistakes. This course is a blend of experience and real-world PR success stories.

Why 'How To Get on Good Morning America, BuzzFeed'?
This masterclass isn't just about learning PR; it's about transforming your brand's presence in the market. With tailored content for 2024, you'll be equipped with cutting-edge strategies to make your brand shine.

Hosted by Amy Bartko, the CEO and Founder of chatterbox, the go-to PR agency that the juvenile space counts on to get meaningful media attention. Amy and her clients know first-hand the power of PR to build awareness, gain visibility, boost credibility, and launch a brand into the stratosphere.


brands chatterbox has worked with

What You'll Discover During this Masterclass:

PR Foundations: Grasp the essentials of Public Relations in the digital age.

Media Mastery: Learn how to build robust media relationships for brand amplification.

Digital Dominance: Strategies to harness social media and online platforms for PR triumphs.

Storytelling for Brands: Develop narratives that captivate and engage your audience.



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Embark on a journey to transform your brand's narrative and visibility.

Sign up for limited time free access and start mastering the art of Public Relations tailored for the year 2024!

media coverage chatterbox has secured